The turn of the year is an important time that one should ideally also spend on some reflexion work in the balance of present, past, and future. This is especially interesting and helpful after a year like 2020, in which positive can become negative.
Maybe you are interested in what I usually give myself as an instruction around New Year:
Take responsibility for the outgoing year and make peace
Take stock, evaluate decisions, question ethics. Learn from mistakes and failures, forgive yourself and ask who you have treated wrong for forgiveness. Celebrate successes and progress. Be proud of positive, ethical actions and change, contributions for others, individuals, the community and society. Give credit to whom mit is due and thank for support.
Let the old year go and turn to now and the new year
Review your mission against your values. Review relationships and obligations. Confront your fears and make yourself aware of your resources, strengths and friends. Go through your goals, connected to projects and problems. Considering the stakeholders and plan for action and development, cooperation, supporting and sharing.
Years are travel sections and dynamic intervals of life
Be clear that reality and your life are dynamic processes with limited rationality and controllability, and with an end. Acknowledge that time is life, and the ultimate and supreme non-renewable resource.
Be realistic. Free yourself of unnecessary concerns, destructive behaviors, and senseless desires. Leave troubles and concerns, troublemakers and negative elements behind. Go step by step, adapting the plans to reality, case by case, moment by moment ahead, into and through the new year.
Trust you have the power to do what is necessary and right. Deal with and spend time on what is relevant and of value. Ignore what is not important, not valuable, not worth the while. Accept what you cannot influence or change. Expect the unexpectable and accept uncertainty as certain.
Logics and ethics plus intuition are the best guides
Do what makes sense and is right, and do it right. Besides your cognition and reason, follow your feelings and intuition.
This is hard and easy. You have the right and the obligation towards a senseful life of orienting on what is right. It shows you the way and makes the road clear, safe and comfortable. It will give you confidence, a good conscience and serenity in a confused and confusing world. In the end it will be much easier that way.
Enjoy the permanent new beginning that you shape as much as you can shape it. It is good to be conscious about it. The turn of the year, at least, is an opportunity for that.
Happy New Year!